
Meet the people who make Digital Matters possible. We are a team of researchers, librarians, staff, and students coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds to make for a vibrant culture of learning.

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Digital Matters Staff


Rebekah Cummings

Interim Director

As the Interim Director of Digital Matters I work closely with our partner colleges to coordinate digital humanities research, instruction, and support at the U. I have been a librarian at the Marriott Library since 2013, serving in a variety of roles including Assistant Director of the Mountain West Digital Library (2013-2015), Data Management Librarian (2015-2018), and Digital Matters Librarian/Interim Director since 2018. My research interests include humanities data management, copyright, collections as data, and library advocacy.


Jack Burton

Digital Matters Program Assistant

As the Program Assistant, I coordinate Digital Matters events, create promotional content, and help facilitate operations of the space. I am a graduate student pursuing a Masters in Architecture degree at the University of Utah and letting my growing experience in the digital humanities inform design choices throughout my education and practice.
