PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Spring 2023 Faculty Grant. This provides research funding to Tenure-line and Career-line faculty in the Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture + Planning, School for Cultural and Social Transformation, and Marriott Library working in...

    PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Spring 2023 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library. This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, School for Cultural and Social Transformation, andArchitecture+Planning an opportunity to work...

This project attempts to historicize the very recent past (the last 25 years) of poetry publishing. In doing so, I hope it provides another vocabulary or way of thinking about how the poetry community has and will continue to change. --Max Schleicher, Fall 2020 DM Graduate...

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Fall 2022 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library. This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture+Planning, and the School for Cultural and Social Transformation an opportunity to...