For our final meeting of the year we will be hearing from Seth Keeton about his digital tool, SongHelix and from Karin Baumgartner and Gema Guevara about digital humanities pedagogy. We will meet in the Digital Matters popup space at 2:00 pm on April 26th. All...

Digital Matters Director We are happy to announce that David Roh has been selected as the Digital Matters Director. David has been working at the University since 2015 and was initially hired with a mandate to make digital humanities a common aspect of the University’s research...

Please mark your calendars for our next DH RIG meeting: March 7th, 3:30 pm in Digital Matters pop-up space. Shannon McGregor (Communication) will be presenting from her work, "Social (Media) Construction of Public Opinion by Elites." Abstract is below, and light refreshments will be served. "Social...

From our friends at Utah State University: We're excited you'll be joining us at the Symposium! Registration and lodging information is now up and running on the conference website, which you'll find at the following link: The third Utah Symposium on the Digital Humanities—sponsored by the...

  Introduction The third Utah Symposium on the Digital Humanities—sponsored by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Merrill-Cazier Library at Utah State University—will be held February 24, 2018, at the Utah State University Eccles Conference Center. This event aims to continue the scholarly conversation in...

UPDATE II: Resources for the workshop have been appended below. UPDATE: Please download and install Tableau Public before the workshop begins. You can find the program here: Workshop: Data Visualization for the Humanities Date & Time: Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 2:30PM-4PM Location: Digital Matters (second floor of the Marriott...

Video Archive: Brian Croxall, “Speaking in Code: Understanding and Misunderstanding the Digital Humanities” Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 2:30 p.m Gould Auditorium, Marriott Library Lecture: Digital Humanities guest lecture featuring Brian Croxall, BYU Office of Digital Humanities Digital Matters and the Digital Humanities Research Interest Group invite you to...

Video Archive: Dan Whaley on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 2:30 p.m Gould Auditorium, Marriott Library ...

On Thursdays from 2-3PM during the Fall and Spring semesters, we host a Virtual Reality workshop to familiarize newcomers with the Library's VR equipment. These sessions are usually held in the Digital Matters pop-up space, and we typically bring out some combination of the HTC...

At the May DH-RIG meeting Lisa and Jon Stone will share their work. Lisa: "Temporary Autonomous Zones: Digital Humanities and Archipelagic Thinking" Jon: "Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of American Folksong in the 1930s" If you have any questions please contact me or Lisa (