In my field of communication and media studies, important issues that are worth researching and supporting include those about how marginalized groups bend, improve, or challenge the affordances of digital media.--Ashley Cordes, Spring 2021 DM Faculty Grantee ...

As I have been learning, the ethics of studying digital culture are also constantly shifting. Though it is hard to stay up to date with these changes, I think it is our responsibility to do the best we can to address these changes to create...

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the 2020-21 Exhibition/Performance Graduate Grant. This grant provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a project in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge and extend their...

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Fall 2021 Graduate Fellowship at Digital Matters in the Marriott Library. This fellowship provides graduate students in the Humanities, Fine Arts, and Architecture+Planning an opportunity to work on a research project in Digital...

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Digital Matters at the University of Utah is pleased to announce the Fall 2021 Faculty Grant Program. This provides research funding to Tenure-line and Career-line faculty in the Humanities, Fine Arts, Architecture + Planning, and Marriott Library working in Digital Studies, broadly defined, which challenge...

My goal in the Negative Space project has been to develop a framework for distinguishing period illustration processes in preparation for machine learning. --Todd Samuelson, Fall 2020 DM Faculty Grantee ...

As we build the website, I see additional potential for subject-related discovery. Subject-specific research is notoriously difficult with artists’ books as there is an infinite variety of artists’ books that fall into the miscellany of N7433.3. Artists’ Books are rich with diversified content and are...

One question that seems to be sitting with me is if digital design scholarship pertains to what you are designing, or who you are designing with? I think there should be a greater emphasis on the multiplicity and diversity of research sources. This seems to...

This project attempts to historicize the very recent past (the last 25 years) of poetry publishing. In doing so, I hope it provides another vocabulary or way of thinking about how the poetry community has and will continue to change. --Max Schleicher, Fall 2020 DM Graduate...